• Moving Image Arts (Minor)

  • Overview

    The undergraduate minor in Moving Image Arts and Experimental Practices integrates theory and practice in the creation of moving image work that encompasses experimental film and video (such as poetic, personal, animated, and experimental documentary), new media, and time-based installation work. Students take studio courses in emulsion-based filmmaking, digital video production, and new media alongside interdisciplinary theory and history courses in experimental film and video, art cinema, and contemporary art. Through its emphasis on formal and aesthetic experimentation and expression in a variety of moving image media, the minor prepares students to produce moving image work for a variety of exhibition contexts including museums, galleries, mobile devices, public art projects, and non-traditional film spaces.

    Course availability may vary from semester to semester. Some courses may be in development and offered at a later time. Students seeking to pursue alternative coursework to fulfill the minor should consult with their advisors.


    Subject AreaSample CoursesCredits
    Core CoursesOne of the following studio courses:

    NFLM 3520 Recycled Images and Non-Camera Filmmaking
    NFLM 3631 The Innovative Camera: Experiments in 16mm Filmmaking
    NFLM 3700 Digital Video Production

    One of the following seminar courses:

    LCST 3618 Experimental Film: Sites and Spaces
    LCST 4027 Film and Video Art
    NFLM 3246 Exploding Eye: Avant-Garde and the Moving Image
    Elective CoursesTwo of the following studio courses:

    NFLM 3660 Filmmaking Studio I
    NFLM 3520 Recycled Images and Non-Camera Filmmaking
    NFLM 3631 The Innovative Camera: Experiments in 16mm Filmmaking
    NFLM 3700 Digital Video Production
    NFLM 3511 Advanced Experimental Film Workshop
    PSAM 1050 Introduction to Photography
    PSAM 2440 Motion Concepts
    PSAM 2800 Photo Processes: Alternative Formats
    PSAM 2301 Introduction to Animation
    PSAM 2605 CG Modeling 1
    PSAM 3606 CG Modeling 2
    PSAM 3808 Photography as Expanded Media
     or an advisor-approved alternative course

    Two of the following seminar courses:

    LANT 2525 Ciny-Ey: The Technological Body
    LCST 3111 Animation and Spectatorship
    LCST 3618 Experimental Film: Sites and Spaces
    LCST 4027 Film and Video Art
    LCST 4090 Sound and Vision
    LVIS 2003 Loop: The Electronic Image
    LVIS 2203 New York's Visual Art Scenes
    LVIS 3001 Methods of Art History and Visual Studies
    PLVS 2006 Film Aesthetics: From Expressionism to 3D
    PLVS 4008 No Wave Film and Television
    PLVS 4027 Cinema (Re)Invented
    or an advisor-approved alternative course

    Learning Outcomes

    A student who has completed this minor should be able to demonstrate:

    • Familiarity with emulsion-based cinematography
    • Proficiency in digital filmmaking techniques and tools and applications for adaptations from analog
    • A developed personal voice
    • Active engagement with the experimental film and media community in New York City
    • Facility working with techniques including direct non-camera techniques, hand processing, using the optical printer, and pinhole cinematography
    • Appreciation of modes of cinematic expression beyond conventional narrative forms, including personal film, poetic modes of expression, animation, and experimental documentary
    • Ability to contextualize his or her own work in conversation with the history of experimental and avant-garde film art


    Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all courses taken for the minor.

    Eugene Lang College students with questions regarding this minor's curriculum or requests for course substitutions should contact Genevieve Yue at yueg@newschool.edu.

    How to Declare or Change a Minor

    General guidelines for declaring a minor are available here. Current students can declare or change a minor by logging in to my.newschool.edu, clicking on the Academics tab, and then clicking on the link to Major/Minor Declarations.

  • Take the Next Step

    Contact your Student Success advisor to discuss how a minor will fit with your degree requirements.

    Declare or change a minor on my.newschool.edu in the Academics tab. 

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