The New School takes all reports very seriously. Below are multiple options available for you to file a report; most options will collect personal information, but there is also an anonymous option. Choosing to make a report does not mean that you have
to participate in the investigation as it moves forward. Retaliation against a person for filing a report is strictly prohibited under our policy, Section IX: Retaliation.
Are you a student who wants to file a report against another student?
- Student Incident Complaint Form.
- Starfish Flag (Bias) - Log in to your Starfish account and find the flag labeled “Bias.” Submit a brief description of your complaint.
- Email Title IX Investigator Cassita Charles-Bowie at
Are you a student who wants to report a faculty or staff member?
- Faculty/Staff Incident Complaint Form.
- Starfish Flag (Bias) - Log in to your Starfish account and find the flag labeled “Bias.” Submit a brief description of your complaint.
- Email Title IX Coordinator Rhonnie Jaus at
Are you a faculty or staff member who wants to report another faculty or staff member?
- Faculty/Staff Incident Complaint Form.
- Anonymous Incident Complaint Form.
- Email Title IX Coordinator Rhonnie Jaus at
Are you a faculty or staff member who wants to report a student?
- Email
- Email Title IX Investigator Cassita Charles-Bowie at
- Anonymous Incident Complaint Form.
Other Reports
All other reports can be filed through the Anonymous Incident Complaint Form.