• How to Report

  • The New School takes all reports very seriously. Below are multiple options available for you to file a report; most options will collect personal information, but there is also an anonymous option. Choosing to make a report does not mean that you have to participate in the investigation as it moves forward. Retaliation against a person for filing a report is strictly prohibited under our policy, Section IX: Retaliation.

    Are you a student who wants to file a report against another student?

    1. Student Incident Complaint Form.
    2. Starfish Flag (Bias) - Log in to your Starfish account and find the flag labeled “Bias.” Submit a brief description of your complaint.
    3. Email Title IX Investigator Cassita Charles-Bowie at charlesc@newschool.edu.

    Are you a student who wants to report a faculty or staff member?

    1. Faculty/Staff Incident Complaint Form.
    2. Starfish Flag (Bias) - Log in to your Starfish account and find the flag labeled “Bias.” Submit a brief description of your complaint.
    3. Email Title IX Coordinator Rhonnie Jaus at jausr@newschool.edu.

    Are you a faculty or staff member who wants to report another faculty or staff member?

    1. Faculty/Staff Incident Complaint Form.
    2. Anonymous Incident Complaint Form.
    3. Email Title IX Coordinator Rhonnie Jaus at jausr@newschool.edu.

    Are you a faculty or staff member who wants to report a student?

    1. Email titleixcoordinator@newschool.edu
    2. Email Title IX Investigator Cassita Charles-Bowie at charlesc@newschool.edu.
    3. Anonymous Incident Complaint Form.

    Other Reports

    All other reports can be filed through the Anonymous Incident Complaint Form.

  • Contact Us

    Title IX Coordinators
    Rhonnie Jaus, Vice President for Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Compliance & Title IX Coordinator
    80 Fifth Avenue, 8th floor
    New York, NY 10011

    Cassita Charles-Bowie, Student Title IX Investigator
    72 Fifth Avenue
    New York, NY 10011

    Emergency Contacts
    Student Health and Counseling Services (Confidential)

    Student Support and Advocacy
    212.229.5900 x3656

    Campus Safety

    Title IX Investigator for Students

    Human Resources

    Employee Assistance Program (Confidential)

  • Take The Next Step

Submit your application


To apply to any of our undergraduate programs (except the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs) complete and submit the Common App online.

Undergraduate Adult Learners

To apply to any of our Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.


To apply to any of our Master's, Doctoral, Professional Studies Diploma, and Graduate Certificate programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.
