• The Public Engagement Fellows Program is a two-year fellowship for incoming leaders committed to addressing equity, inclusion, and social justice challenges while pursuing a bachelor’s or a master's degree at the Schools of Public Engagement. Through the fellowship, we aim to recognize incoming students who have demonstrated commitment to effecting positive change in New York City and around the world. The program will place each fellow in one of our partner organizations to further their publicly engaged work. Throughout the period of the fellowship, fellows will also participate in joint cohort experiences that include a seminar with social justice leaders, mentorship and networking opportunities, and public events including the executive dean’s award ceremony, which showcases publicly engaged work. 

  • Current Cohort


    Majandra Rodriguez Acha

    Majandra Rodriguez Acha

    Majandra Rodriguez Acha

    Pronouns: She/her
    Sociologist, social justice organization and philanthropy consultant 
    Degree being pursued at The New School:
    MS Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management 
    Lima, Peru
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world:
    Anywhere where you can hear the wind and/or the waves
    Fellowship Placement: 
    Food and Social Justice Action Research Lab
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    Majandra's research interests include investigating community-based alternatives to hegemonic paradigms and structures, centering decolonial, antiracist, and queer ecological perspectives. She is interested in interrogating and countering false solutions to the climate crisis and in exploring future-building narratives that navigate hopelessness and sources of hope, including radical imaginations and notions of the end of the world in the context of climate crisis and polycrises. Majandra will join the Food and Social Justice Action Research Lab to conduct research and engage with community-based organizations that seek to transform food systems, orienting them toward sovereignty and justice.

    Sabrina Tenteromano

    Sabrina Tenteromano

    Sabrina Tenteromano

    Pronouns: She/Her/They
    Profession: Project Manager
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MFA Creative Writing, Nonfiction
    Hometown: Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: Wherever I can get a slice of sun in the city, and my parents' back porch.
    Fellowship placement: Vera List Center
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    Sabrina’s art practice is centered on her desire to uncover and connect personal and societal truths. She has always believed art to be an agent of change (and vice versa), which is very much rooted in the exploration and discovery of truth, and is passionate about leveraging it to fight climate change and promote human and civil rights. Sabrina is thrilled to join the Vera List Center for Art and Politics in fostering its community of artists who take creative, intellectual, and political risks to bring about positive change. 

    Kyndal Coleman

    Kyndal Coleman

    Kyndal Coleman

    Pronouns: She/Her
    Profession: Full-Time Student
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MS Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management
    Hometown: Villa Rica, Georgia
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: Buvez, Athens, Georgia
    Fellowship Placement: Food and Social Justice Action Research Lab
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    Originally from a rural town, Kyndal has witnessed stark contrasts in food access, health, and economic standing across her community. Therefore, she is honored to have the opportunity to further explore these critical issues with the Food and Social Justice Action Research Lab. Kyndal is particularly interested in creating equitable food systems through both communal and policy-based approaches. The lab's commitment to actionable solutions deeply excites her, and she looks forward to contributing to its mission of advancing racial and economic justice in the food system.

    David Hayes

    David Hayes

    David Hayes

    Pronouns: He/Him
    Profession: Full-Time Student—BS in Legal Studies, BA in Political Science
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MS Public and Urban Policy
    Hometown: Bethel, Connecticut
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: North Dumpling on Essex Street—can’t beat a great deal on good food.
    Fellowship Placement: Center for NYC Affairs
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    It’s an honor to be chosen as a policy fellow for the Center for New York City Affairs. Backed by detailed analysis, the center’s work greatly advances sound public policy to ensure a more just and equitable world. During David’s time with the center, he will serve as a research assistant on The Future of Work project, aiding in the development of innovative economic policy. David is excited to be a part of the team researching progressive solutions which favor and uplift all working-class people. 


    Maria Fernanda Pizarro

    Maria Fernanda Pizarro

    Maria Fernanda Pizarro

    Pronouns: She/Her
    Profession: Transitional justice and women’s rights consultant
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MA Media Studies
    Hometown: Caicedonia, a small but charming town in Colombia
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: Anywhere I can find an open-air cinema during a summer day.
    Fellowship Placement: Observatory on Latin America
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    During her fellowship, Maria will be working with the Observatory on Latin America, a research center to which she is deeply connected for its commitment to fostering dialogue between American countries and understanding the region's complexities. Her role involves contributing to their work by observing and studying the processes of political and economic change in Latin America. As a Colombian-born and -raised student, Maria finds that this fellowship presents a unique opportunity to conduct research and engage in community work closer to her roots while also allowing her to explore new ideas and perspectives in the rich academic environment of New York.

    Nadja Alexandra

    Nadja “Afi” Alexandra

    Nadja Alexandra

    Pronouns: They/It
    Profession: Full-Time Student—BA in General Psychology
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MFA Creative Writing
    Hometown: Grew up between Bogor and Jakarta, Indonesia
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: Anywhere that’s got my friends and some decent food.
    Fellowship placement: SexTech Lab 
    Cohort: 2024–2026


    As someone interested in the intersection between culture, gender, sexuality, and politics, Afi is looking forward to assisting projects that push the boundaries of our understanding of psychology. This is especially true with work piercing outside of Western models and pedagogy, creating an ever-expanding hunger for exploration. How have these things within our concepts of intimacy, expression, and communication come to be? How have these things become valuable and important? What can we do to make information accessible to all people? How do we amplify and support non-institutional voices rich in information and technology?

    Fernanda Rebelato

    Fernanda Rebelato

    Fernanda Rebelato

    Pronouns: She/Her
    Profession: International Development Practitioner
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MA International Affairs
    Hometown: São Paulo, Brazil
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: In a boat, crossing the Guamá River in Belém do Pará.
    Fellowship placement: Platform Cooperativism Consortium
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    During the fellowship, Fernanda will be working with the Platform Cooperativism Consortium to contribute to the global development of the cooperative digital ecosystem with an intersectional and gender-transformative approach. Her research focus is understanding how to support the development of workers and cooperatives from Brazil with a critical perspective, positioning their experiences in the global effort to resist neoliberal and capitalist structures towards a more equal economy. Specifically, Fernanda is interested in identifying how gender and race can influence economic inclusion, ensuring that projects and policies are planned with and for the people envisioning sustainable futures and decent livelihoods.

    Olivia Rockeman

    Olivia Rockeman

    Olivia Rockeman

    Pronouns: She/Her
    Profession: Freelance Writer and Editor
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MFA Creative Writing
    Hometown: San Diego, California
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: Bakeri in Greenpoint, Brooklyn
    Fellowship Placement: Center for NYC Affairs
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    Throughout her fellowship, Olivia will be helping the economic policy team at the Center for NYC Affairs make their research more public-facing and accessible. Early in her career as a journalist, Olivia wrote about U.S. economics, including the labor market, inequality, women's issues, and inflation. She is looking forward to using her background as a reporter to amplify important stories about economic justice coming from the center. She will also use the research findings to inform her own creative writing work.

    Yark Zota Beyan

    Yark Zota Beyan

    Yark Zota Beyan

    Pronouns: She/Her
    Profession: Program Manager at Funders for Justice 
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MS Public and Urban Policy
    Hometown: Staten Island, New York
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: Among the trees in Clove Lakes Park, Staten Island.
    Fellowship placement: The New Hood
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    Yark is passionate about exploring the intersections of urban policy, racial justice, and community empowerment. At the New Hood, she will engage in a research and community engagement fellowship focused on developing policy solutions that uplift Black and Latinx communities. Yark is excited to collaborate with community members to create inclusive, impactful strategies that contribute to the center's mission of empowering communities by elevating policy analysis and perspectives from the hood, with a focus on the future of our communities. 

    Emma Holtzman

    Emma Holtzman

    Emma Holtzman

    Pronouns: She/They
    Profession: Zero Waste Advisor, Environmental Educator, Community Gardener, and Plant Enthusiast
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MS in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management
    Hometown: New Rochelle, New York
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: Astoria Park, Queens—since I moved to NYC, this park has provided unexplainable solace, peace, and love.
    Fellowship Placement: Urban Systems Lab
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    As a community educator whose work spans health equity, environmental justice, and urban policy, Emma is thrilled to be the Public Engagement Fellow with the Urban Systems Lab (USL) and work with its teams studying the social inequities of green infrastructure and urban ecological systems. They are looking forward to expanding on their previous work in sustainable food systems, urban circularity, and equitable access to green space and gardens through USL’s research on nature-based solutions. Emma is grateful to continue work at the intersection of her many interests, supporting the health, sustainability, and resiliency of all communities and the environment.

    Tawanda S. Morgan

    Tawanda S. Morgan

    Tawanda S. Morgan

    Pronouns: She/Her
    Profession: Writer/Podcaster
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MFA Creative Writing
    Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama
    Favorite spot in NYC or the world: Brooklyn Museum
    Fellowship placement: WriteOn NYC 
    Cohort: 2024–2026

    Tawanda is a writer and storyteller with a profound commitment to education and social justice. She has provided racial equity programming for educators in Alabama's historically redlined communities and worked as a high school English teacher. Tawanda’s most cherished accomplishment is her learning from the real educators along her journey, her students. As an MFA Creative Writing major, Tawanda is looking to tell stories focused on the impact of mental health and overpolicing in education through documentaries, screenplays, and novels. She is excited about and looking forward to being a WriteOn NYC Fellow. 

    Tata Jaghiashvil

    Tata Jaghiashvili

    Tata Jaghiashvili

    Tata Jaghiashvil

    Profession: Head Producer of the Skhva Nanuka TV Show
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MS in Media Management
    Hometown: Tbilisi, Georgia
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: Definitely my homeland—Georgia. It might be a small nation, but it has a lot to offer, from incredible landscapes to vibrant cities, from impressive heritage to hospitable people.
    Fellowship placement: The New Historia
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    The New Historia aims to document the achievements of women who are left unnoticed. When I first heard about their mission, I knew I was meant to be a part of it. It is such an honor to be given a chance to promote positive change, amplify voices, and make society recognize powerful women. By researching and sharing the stories of strong women, we can inspire future generations to fight against gender inequality. By looking at history, we can get an idea of what has influenced our past and present and also what will shape our future. It is my obligation to make it right and play a tiny role in reconstructing the lost knowledge of women’s ideas.

    Nazli Saatcioglu

    Nazli Saatcioglu

    Nazli Saatcioglu

    Nazli Saatcioglu

    Profession: Filmmaker
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MA in Media Studies
    Ankara, Turkey
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: Jones Beach
    Fellowship placement: The New Historia
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    My work focuses on telling stories of underrepresented people in media, who are often cast stereotypically, with the goal of depicting diverse characters and varied narratives. Conducting thorough research on subjects outside of my own social identity and collaborating with those familiar with the subject allows for these stories to be portrayed in renewed contexts. During my fellowship, I will be working on creating a series of short videos for The New Historia that focuses on female figures throughout history to aid in feminist historical recovery.

    Indigo Hinojos

    Indigo Hinojos

    Indigo Hinojos

    Indigo Hinojos

    Profession: Full-Time Student
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MA in Public and Urban Policy with a specialization in advocacy
    Hometown: Though I moved around a lot as a young child and well into my adult years, I would say that my father's home state of Texas has a special place in my heart and serves as my home state.
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: Central Park, or getting to enjoy some of my favorite art pieces at MoMA
    Fellowship placement: The New Hood 
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    During the fellowship, I will be working with The New Hood, which highlights individuals in the Black and Latiné communities and uplifting community-based policy ideas. The hope is that through this uplifting, the community will become more involved and aware of the changes happening around them and have access to the resources needed. My research interests focus on the understanding of gender, socialization, and cultural impacts in underrepresented communities. Specifically, I am interested in how colonialism and institutions of power have impacted how third-gender individuals are accepted, or not, in their communities.

    Mara Levi

    Mara Levi

    Mara Levi

    Mara Levi

    Profession: Student. I have a BA in Political Science and Sociology and an MA in Environment, Society and Development.
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MA in International Affairs
    Hometown: Frankfurt, Germany
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: The Harmonie Arthouse-Cinema in Frankfurt, particularly on Wednesday evenings
    Fellowship placement: Tishman Environment and Design Center 
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    Having written a BA thesis on climate litigation and a MA thesis on colonial ideology within renewable energy projects, I have developed a strong background in exploring questions of climate and environmental justice and their link to critical development studies and decolonization endeavors in particular. During my fellowship at the Tishman Environment and Design Center, I will be working on a participatory research project and engaging with grassroots partners on issues related to the climate emergency. I have always integrated my academic research interests with political activism and am very happy that the fellowship offers me another great opportunity to continue doing just that!

    Young Kim

    Young Kim

    Young Kim

    Young Kim

    Profession: Writer with a BA in American Literature and Culture from UCLA
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MFA in Creative Writing
    Hometown: Born in Seoul, South Korea, and currently living in Los Angeles
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: Any quiet spot where I can brainstorm my ideas and keep writing
    Fellowship placement: WriteOn NYC
    Cohort: 2023–2025 

    Born in Seoul, South Korea, I have a deep passion for bicultural narratives. I am currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at the New School and am engaged in crafting creative projects that shed light on the experiences of underrepresented and marginalized immigrants. I feel privileged to be part of the Public Engagement Fellowship with WriteOn NYC, which is committed to nurturing creativity and expanding literary opportunities for diverse communities in New York City.

    Jan Tancinco

    Jan Tancinco

    Jan Tancinco

    Jan Tancinco

    Profession: Creative Strategist, Project Manager, Documentarian
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MA in Media Studies
    Hometown: Born in the Virgin Islands, raised in San Francisco
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: Washington Square Park on a Saturday morning. My bed is nice, too.
    Fellowship placement: Vera List Center 
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    As a fellow with the Vera List Center, I will be collaborating with artists and researchers to design programs at the intersection of art and politics. My research interest is in reimagining a softer, slower, and more thoughtful world. My work explores the reasons we toil faster, longer, and harder, against our well-being: economic necessity for survival, glorification of overwork, technology's influence to work like machines, pressure to prioritize productivity above all else, control of colonial and industrial structures. In a world that demands more of us, the challenge is to create better everyday lives for ourselves and our communities

    Jan's Public Engagement Fellowship is being underwritten by a donor as part of a pilot partnership with The New School. Jan will be designated a Public Engagement/Justice Capital Fellow.

    Grady Curtis

    Corey Curtis

    Corey Curtis

    Grady Curtis

    Profession: Graduate Student
    Degree being pursued at The New School: MFA in Creative Writing
    Hometown: Grantham, New Hampshire
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: The top of Cardigan Mountain in New Hampshire
    Fellowship placement: SexTech Lab 
    Cohort: 2023–2024

    For my research with SexTech Lab, I am going to be assisting in the writing and analyzing of data on a project about nonbinary and transgender youth.

    Kahn Faisal

    Khan Faisal

    Khan Faisal

    Kahn Faisal

    Profession: Curator and A&R at Akaliko (record label and artist collective); Independent Creative Project Manager and Strategist
    Degree being pursued at The New School:
    MS Media Management
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world:
    Amid the hustle and bustle of Bailey Road in Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Fellowship placement: Platform Cooperativism Consortium 
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    I believe that cooperative digital ecosystems can greatly affect lives when coupled with social businesses. Coming from Bangladesh, I have firsthand experience of seeing a nation transform into one of the fastest-growing major economies, powered by innovative social businesses like BRAC and Grameen Bank. I believe that digital coops can be both the catalyst and the bridge to future growth for the developing world and even for advanced economies. My research interests involve the sustainable economic prospects of the creative and cultural sectors, the overall potential for building cultural capital, and the power of new media at the grassroots level.

    Vlad Nabat

    Vlad Nabat

    Vlad Nabat

    Vlad Nabat

    Profession: Visual artist and designer, but I'm in the process of switching careers.
    Degree being pursued at The New School: I'm a BPATS student, pursuing a BA in Psychology.
    Hometown: New York, NY
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: My favorite spot in NYC is Riverside Park, all the way from the Little Red Lighthouse to Battery.
    Fellowship placement: SexTech Lab
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    Currently I am interested in neurobiology and social neuroscience. As a queer person, I’m passionate about conducting research which can improve access to mental health services for my LGBTQIA+ community. As an SPE fellow, I will be actively contributing to the research on experiences of nonbinary and trans youth as part of the SexTech Lab.

    Max Ramsay-Burrough

    Max Ramsay-Burrough

    Max Ramsay-Burrough

    Max Ramsay-Burrough

    Profession: Student and editor
    Degree being pursued at The New School: BA in Liberal Arts
    Hometown: Jackson, Wyoming
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: Grand Teton National Park in winter
    Fellowship Placement: Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy 
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    In my fellowship with the Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy, I will be supporting various projects that seek to understand structural inequalities and propose transformative and actionable solutions. Grounded in Africana critical theory, I’m particularly interested in the epistemic relationship between notions of criminality and mental illness and their centrality in carceral systems.

    Maryam Gueye

    Maryam Gueye

    Maryam Gueye

    Maryam Gueye

    Profession: Student
    Degree being pursued at The New School: BA in Global Studies
    Hometown: Houston, Texas
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: My favorite spot in NYC is Strand Bookstore
    Fellowship placement: Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy 
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    I am passionate about the work conducted by the Institute for Race, Power and Political Economy because it advances research to understand structural inequalities and works to identify innovative ways to promote equity. Through research, my aim is to develop an understanding of how to implement a more socially equitable world and understand the causes, consequences, and remedies of an unjust one. I am thrilled to say that I am a part of an institute that “provides the intellectual and physical space to cultivate innovative policies, strategies, and investments that break down restrictive hierarchies, empower people, and move society toward greater social equity.”


    Yanni Young

    Yanni Young

    Yanni Young

    Yanni Young

    Profession: Artist
    Degree being pursued at The New School:
    BA in Liberal Arts
    Hometown: Harlem, NYC
    Favorite spot in NYC or in the world: Dub Club, in my father’s country of Kingston, Jamaica
    Fellowship placement: Creatively Speaking 
    Cohort: 2023–2025

    I am a Black, queer, interdisciplinary artist born and raised in Harlem, NYC. My work has focused on centering Black artists, healers, and grassroots organizers; collecting stories of Black lgbtq+ elders in Harlem to get the queer history of Harlem; and creating an intergenerational space with Black lgbtq+ elders and the younger generation to connect and share stories. I was recently chosen as a fellow for Creatively Speaking and will be working specifically as an outreach coordinator, which includes outreach in social media and in partnerships. Creatively Speaking was looking to broaden its programming to create partnerships with other institutions that need the type of content that it is producing on social and environmental equity from its archives. As a fellow, I will be handling the social media accounts for  programming this year and helping with the Creatively Speaking film screening and events programming.

    Yanni's Public Engagement Fellowship is being underwritten by a donor as part of a pilot partnership with The New School; Yanni will be designated a Public Engagement/Justice Capital Fellow.

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    New York, NY 10011
    212.229.5150 or 800.292.3040

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