The Steering Committee was charged in 2021 with leading the university’s strategic planning process, which is designed to translate the university’s four pillars into
possible action through a participatory process with the community. They will lead a deliberative, inclusive, and rigorous inquiry into the core values of The New School in order to identify, define, and formalize areas of need and themes to inform
the university’s future. The Steering Committee will also set the tone of collaborative co-creation and transparency within the strategic planning working groups and community planning sessions. They will:
- Coordinate the overall activities of the strategic planning process from June 2022 to June 2023
- Select an external firm specializing in participatory processes
- Ensure the timely progress and completion of the strategic planning process
- Establish and lead the strategic planning working groups
- Set up and participate in community planning sessions
- Ensure that strategic planning is coordinated with other university-wide planning initiatives, including Middle States re-accreditation and strategic enrollment planning
- Produce the final report of the planning process
Steering Committee Membership
Lara De Sousa Penin, Professor of Transdisciplinary Design, School of Design Strategies, Parsons School of Design, Co-chair
Renée T. White, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Co-chair
Lorenley Báez, Associate Provost for Equity and Belonging
Rita Breidenbach, Associate Provost for Faculty Development, The Faculty Center for Innovation, Collaboration and Support
Adam Brown, Vice Provost for Research and Associate Professor of Psychology, The New School for Social Research
Christopher J. Castano, Trustee and Managing Director, Grosvenor Capital Management, LP
Lina María Celis Rengifo, MFA Student in Textiles, Parsons School of Design ’23 (fall 2022–spring 2023)
Antonia Craig, Assistant Dean, Strategic Academic Planning, Parsons School of Design
Alice Crary, University Distinguished Professor, The New School for Social Research (fall 2022–spring 2023)
Julia Ott, Associate Professor of History, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts and The New School for Social Research
Laura Cronk, Assistant Professor of Writing and Chair of the Undergraduate Creative Writing Program, Schools of Public Engagement (fall 2022–fall 2023)
Maria-Elena Grant, Associate Program Director, Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy, and Co-chair of the University Staff Senate
Melanie Hart, Senior Vice President for Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice and Chief Diversity Officer (fall 2022–fall 2023)
Frank Nemhauser, Associate Professor and Director of Vocal Studies, Mannes School of Music and College of Performing Arts (fall 2022–fall 2023)
Luciana Scrutchen, Assistant Professor of Fashion Design, Parsons School of Fashion
John Sharp, Professor of Games and Learning, School of Art, Media, and Technology and Co-director, PETlab, Parsons School of Design
Kamilah Tibbitts, BA Student in Media Studies, Schools of Public Engagement ’23 (fall 2022–spring 2023)
Bhawani Venkataraman, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts
Miranda Young, PhD Student in Philosophy, The New School for Social Research (fall 2022–spring 2023)
Lin Zhou, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Support provided by
Holly Frisbee, Senior Director for Strategic Planning and Assessment, Provost’s Office
Dan Napolitano, Chief of Staff, Provost’s Office
Eren Hock, Director of Strategic University Programs, Provost’s Office
Marcine Miller, Senior Director of Communications and Engagement, Provost’s Office
Dhea Sekararum, Graduate Student, Data analysis support
Zoe De Freitas Melo, Graduate Student Assistant
The Steering Committee membership breakdown is as follows:
- Five faculty members, either part-time or full-time, representing each of the five colleges (selected by each college’s faculty governing body)
- Three staff representatives (selected by the Staff Senate [self-nominations are welcome])
- Three students, one undergraduate, one master degree, one PhD student (selected by the Student Senate [self-nominations are welcome])
- Two other university leaders (selected by the provost)
- One co-chair of the Middle States re-accreditation process (selected by the provost)
- One member of the university’s Board of Trustees (selected by the provost in consultation with the president and board chair)
- One member of the President’s Leadership Team (selected by the provost)