Guided by The New School’s mission, vision, and strategic plan, and drawing on expertise from across the university, the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) advises the Provost on curricular matters.
The UCC receives its mandate from the Provost:
- To provide feedback and recommendations for proposals for new academic programs and substantive modifications to existing programs
- To contribute to the development and enhancement of cross-college curricular offerings (e.g., minors, dual degrees, and other university-wide initiatives)
- To help advance university-wide curricular projects as they arise
The work of the UCC must be reported back by committee members to their respective areas, and reciprocally, UCC members should bring feedback and comments from their respective areas to the UCC.
Please note that, in addition to the recommendations of this committee, the Provost’s Office may consult and seek input from additional faculty in the community with content knowledge pertinent to specific proposals.
Charge: During the 2021–2022 academic year (a pause year for new curricular initiatives), the UCC had a series of conversations to inform the development of university-wide curricular strategy, including considerations of equity, inclusion and
social justice as a central tenet of curriculum, teaching, and learning. As a part of this work, the UCC will continue conversations as to an approach for ensuring that equity, inclusion, and social justice (EISJ) is better incorporated into all curriculum
and/or curricular initiatives at the university.
This year’s work will also be closely informed by university strategic planning processes and be influential in both informing and supporting the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) process. The body will review and advise on curricular
initiatives as needed.
Committee members are asked to engage and advise in a deeply responsive and consultative manner; to draw from their institutional and pedagogical experience and expertise, as well as the larger context of our current programmatic landscape; and to advise
on academic programs so that they more fully realize and reflect present institutional priorities and student needs.
The committee is composed of academic leadership and leadership in key areas of curriculum development and management. This year, the membership will consist of members of the Provost’s Office, academic representation from
each college, full-time faculty members from each college (some of whom also serve on the Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Committee). and representatives from Admissions and Enrollment, the Registrar, and Marketing and Communication.
- Maggie Koozer, Senior Vice Provost, Curriculum, Learning and Academic Affairs, Provost’s Office, Co-chair
- Mariah Doren, Assistant Provost, Curriculum and Learning, Provost’s Office, Co-chair
- Mariana Amatullo, Vice Provost for Global Strategic Initiatives, Provost’s Office
- Fabiola Berdiel, Associate Dean of Partnerships and Practice Based Learning, SPE
- Nadine Bourgeois, Interim Associate Provost for Strategic Academic Planning and Implementation, Provost’s Office
- Rita Breidenbach, Associate Provost for Faculty Development, Provost’s Office
- Stephen Brown-Fried, Vice Dean of Curriculum and Learning, CoPA
- Gina Canterucci, Director of Curricular Initiatives, Lang
- Cotter Christian, Interim Associate Dean of Curriculum and Learning (Pedagogy); Assistant Professor, Interior Design, Parsons
- Keisha Davenport, Assistant Provost for Student Success and Advising, Provost’s Office
- Heather Fomin, Assistant Vice Provost for Enrollment
- Ellen Freeberg, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Curriculum, NSSR
- Anne Gaines, Associate Professor of Contemporary Art Practice, Parsons
- Maya Georgieva, Senior Director, Innovation Center
- Grace Hindman, University Registrar, Provost’s Office
- Jamer Hunt, Program Director, Curriculum, Learning, and Academic Affairs, Provost's
Office; Professor of Transdisciplinary Design, Parsons
- Natalia Mehlman-Petrzela, Associate Professor of History, Lang
- Bridget O’Rourke, Director of Art, Media and Technology, Parsons Paris
Lisa Preston, Vice President, University Marketing and Communication
- Raul Rubio, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies, SPE
- NSSR Faculty to be named
- CoPA Faculty to be named
- University Faculty Senate Representative 1, to be named
- University Faculty Senate Representative 2, to be named
With Support from:
- Jessica Masters, Assistant Director, Curricular Affairs, Provost’s Office, Provost’s Office