English Course Placement Testing
All new students who are native speakers of languages other than English must take the English Course Placement Test, regardless of fluency, previous English coursework, degrees/diplomas from U.S. institutions, TOEFL score, IELTS score, or SAT score. If English was not a main language at home when you were growing up, you must take the test. The only exception is if you took the Duolingo test (DET) for admission, since we can use that instead. Please email us at parsonsenglish@newschool.edu if that’s the case.
We value our multilingual community and the enormous contributions that our students’ diverse experiences bring. We require this test to help ensure that everyone who needs language support for Parsons' academically rigorous curriculum has access to that support, so that they can fully engage with the content and the classroom community.
The test takes 50 minutes and is composed of the following sections:
- Speaking (a recorded speaking session)
- Grammar (multiple-choice questions)
- Essay (a brief essay that will take about 30 minutes)
The test is offered online. You will be able to take the test on your own computer before orientation begins. To sign up for the test, use our Google form. We will contact you with instructions on how to schedule and take the test after you sign up.
After taking the test, you will receive the placement results and can register for an appropriate English class if needed.
Failure to register for an appropriate English course can delay your progress toward completion of degree requirements and delay your expected date of graduation.
Please contact parsonsenglish@newschool.edu if you have any questions.
For more information, refer to the English as a Second Language (ESL) Fact Sheet (PDF).
BBA and BFA students entering as first-year students should refer to the sample curricular pathways outlined in the ESL Guide for information about how ESL classes support first-year study.
Language-Supported (LS) Pathway At Parsons
Native speakers of languages other than English who demonstrate the need for continued language development take a sequence of ESL courses and language-supported sections of the Integrative Studio and Seminar classes.
Language-Supported Classes
Sections with the Language Supported designation are specially designed for students for whom English is a second language. LS courses have the same content as non-LS courses but with extra attention to vocabulary and cultural references and support for reading and writing. Students will engage with the materials in a supportive and dynamic learning environment as they become acclimated to the U.S. educational context, culture, and expectations. Parsons LS faculty possess training specific to both the content area and the language support focus.