The Unmaking Fashion Media and Creative Industries Lab focuses on the exploration of printed and digital fashion media. The aim is to uncover and examine hidden networks, actors, and practices in the mediation of fashion, its histories, and its imaginaries. The lab includes and gathers academics, practitioners, curators, and critics who focus on the economic and cultural value of historical and contemporary print fashion publications, the relations between digital and printed media, creative labor in the fashion industry, collaboration between creative fields, publications as curatorial projects, institutional versus independent publishing practices, and the issue of representability and national discourse in fashion publishing. All of these topics are explored through conferences, publications, and projects in collaboration with brands, archives, foundations, and museums. A central event is Printing Fashion, a yearly international festival with talks, lectures, and exhibitions that is followed by the publication of a magazine.
Marco Pecorari, Director, MA in Fashion Studies,
Justin Morin, Faculty, MA Fashion Studies,
Morna Laing, Assistant Professor, MA Fashion Studies,
Antoine Bucher, Faculty, MA Fashion Studies,
Giulia Mensitieri, Faculty, MA Fashion Studies,