• Working Papers

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    General Admission Contact
    The New School for Social Research
    Office of Admission
    72 Fifth Avenue, 1st floor
    New York, NY 10011
    212.229.5600 or 800.523.5411

    Admissions Liaison
    Yuki Tada

    Department of Economics
    6 East 16th Street, room 1124A
    New York, NY 10003
    212.229.5717 x3044
    Fax: 212.229.5724

    Mailing Address
    79 Fifth Avenue, room 1124A
    New York, NY 10003

    Teresa Ghilarducci

    Senior Secretary
    Silvina Palacio

    Student Advisor
    Daniel Younessi

    Economics Student Handbook

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  • In the course of its history, the Department of Economics at The New School for Social Research has taken a broad and critical approach to the field, giving voice to classical political economy, neoclassical economics, and Keynesian economics.

    In accordance with this tradition, the Economics Department Working Papers series presents the most recent research by NSSR scholars to promote academic debate and to shape the evolution of the economics profession.

    The Economics Department Working Papers series can be found on RePEc. The Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA), housed within the Economics Department, has its own working papers series on RePEc.  

    Submission Guidelines for Working Papers

    Manuscripts must be the original work of the authors and must be complete, properly cited, free of typos and grammatical errors, and written in a clear style appropriate for an academic paper. Working papers must have a title, a list of authors with affiliations, a 100-word abstract, JEL classification codes, and a short list of keywords. Number the pages. There is no mandatory format for the main text, but it would be advisable to choose 11 or 12 points as the font size, with a line space between 1.1 and 1.5.

    All cited references must be included in the bibliography, and all bibliography entries must be referred to in the text. The bibliographic entries must be consistently presented in a standard format and the citations consistent with this format. Further, the bibliographic entries must be as up-to-date as possible. Please double-check before submitting your manuscript to make sure your bibliography represents the most current publication status of cited work.

    You can submit your manuscript to the Working Paper Series by sending a file electronically to the Editorial Board at econpapers@newschool.edu. All student-authored papers must be submitted with the consent of a faculty sponsor, who will vouch that the submission conforms to the guidelines above. The Editorial Board will assign a working paper number and create a cover page for your paper. Your manuscript will then be posted on our department’s website and added to its RePEc working paper series.

    Cover pages will conform to a uniform style determined by the Editorial Board.

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