Graduate study at The New School for Social Research is challenging, transformative, and rewarding in ways you may not anticipate. You take an active role in developing scholarship and charting a course for your own research and future.
The Office of Academic Affairs is here to support your work and to offer resources complementing those available in your department. Contact us for advice on:
Each academic program has faculty and dedicated student advisors who can answer your questions and provide guidance about coursework and student life.
Academic Affairs Staff
Ryan Gustafson, Assistant Dean of Academic and Student Affairs
Francesca Ferrono, Associate Director of Academic and Student Affairs
Aaron Neber, Coordinator of Academic and Student Affairs (Terminal Master's Programs)
Office Information
6 East 16th Street, room 1007
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212.229.5712 x3002
Fax: 646.486.0755