Medical Services provides in-person and telehealth visits for student convenience and to meet the healthcare needs of all students.
To schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment, please go to or contact us at 212.229.1671, option 2. Please note that you must be located in New York State to schedule a
telehealth appointment. For students who need to be seen urgently, booking for same-day medical appointments becomes available at midnight through the SHS portal.
Please review the following important procedures we have put into place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure for those who visit SHS:
- If you have a fever, sore throat, cough, headache, body aches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, please do not walk into SHS. Instead, please schedule a telehealth appointment or call 212.229.1671 for
- If you have an in-person appointment, please arrive five to ten minutes ahead of your appointment time.
- You must wear a well-fitting mask at all times while in SHS. If you arrive without an appropriate mask, one will be provided
for you.
All students can access medical services at no charge. However, insurance must be billed to cover the costs of diagnostic tests, X-rays, lab tests, and other outside services. Depending on your plan, deductibles and copayments may apply, which are your
If you have questions, please email