Auricular acupuncture and acupressure are treatments based on traditional Chinese medicine. Acupressure involves attaching flower seeds or magnetic beads to specific locations on the outer ear using medical-grade adhesive tape. It is commonly used to relieve stress and promote comfort and relaxation. Ear seed/bead packets with easy-to-follow instructions are available at Student Health Services.
The acupuncture provided at The New School occurs in a group setting and is based on the protocol developed by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, which stimulates five points in the ear, corresponding to the sympathetic nervous system, shen men (a point in the outer ear), kidney, liver, and lung. This protocol has been proven effective in helping people relax, deal with cravings, balance their energy, and stimulate detoxification of the body.
For more information on the provision schedule and pickup of ear seed/bead packets, contact us at